Wednesday, February 17, 2021


We all should be finished in four and a half hours max. Low handicap and high handicap golfers, we are all guilty for slow play at one time or other.  How do we pick up the pace of play? 

  1.  Since a lot of time is lost looking for balls in the rough, we cannot spend five minutes looking for four balls, that's twenty minutes. Add that up over several holes, it a long outing. Bring extra balls, spend one or two minutes looking, If you know it was hit into the rough, drop a ball in the area and continue play without a penalty stroke. If you know you hit it into the woods and cannot find it, drop a ball where it went in and take a one stroke penalty. (If any one needs extra balls, I have bags full I can share).  
  2.   Everyone in the group should keep an eye one each person's ball when they are teeing off to see where it lands. This way everyone will have an idea of where to look for their team mats' ball. 
  3.  If you see that the group in front of you are on the fairway of the next hole and you are just teeing off, you are a hole and a half behind them, you are playing too slow, (Exception is if the group in front of you is a two or Three sum),  Your group should take each  ball and drop it at the one hundred fifty yard marker and take two strokes. 
  4.   If you do not mind playing Five and a half hours, then let the group behind you, no matter if it is a singleton or four-sum play thought, this is just golf etiquette. 
I want everyone to have fun, which will require everyone to help each other locate balls and keep the game moving.

Thanks you for your understanding,
