Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year

Happy News Years Everyone!!!!

Three months to April and Golf begins. 

For members of the 65 Club, dues were due by Dec. 31. If you have not paid, please do so as soon as you can. Please be considerate, late payment causes a lot of extra work for the volunteers who are your officers and board. They do not know if you are remaining a member, they need to send out additional E-mails and put notices in the Club Bulletin, they will even send you a letter which requires a stamp, come the end of March the Club Directory need to go to the printer, and if you have not paid they follow up to see if you just forgot to pay, so your name will go into the directory. Again please be considerate.
The dues are still only $20.00.  Please give David Tarditi the cash at a meeting or send him a check made out to the Haddonfield 65 Club, (please note Dues in the Memo of the check),at: David Tardily, 64 Linden Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033.

For those golf players who are not Club Members and who gave a donation for the 2018 season, we thank you. If you forgot and still wish to make a donation for 2018, it not too late to do so. For anyone who wants to get a jump on this year’s donation for 2019, you may send a check to David at the same address above. Please note on check “Golf Donation.” We are not a 501 organization and any donation is not tax deductible.

Have a great year,

Mike Underwood